In X-Wing Miniatures Game both Imperials and Rebels have Aces Packs. These packs provide means for injections of price modifications and new pilots for older release ships. But with release of wave 8 Scum and Scum starting show viability as tournament force, It is time to Have a Aces Pack for Scum. With Scum Aces pack I like to see some two things... First is some price adjustments for some the oldest Scum Ships. The other are tools to break the U-Boat meta that is currently dominating the play lists. Scum has a lot of price problems with its earlier release ships. Making them too pricey for most tournament lists. Now with the Contract Scout dominating the play lists. And there isn’t much that can be done to counter its large alpha strike force of Turret / Jousters. So one ship I love to see in a Scum Aces Pack is the M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor . I like to see this ship become a more a Jouster type ship. Fragile, cheap and highly maneuverable. At the same t...
Musings of a Game Designer and a Programmer, Too bad they both are the same person