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Scum Faction Needs a Aces Pack

In X-Wing Miniatures Game both Imperials and Rebels have Aces Packs. These packs provide means for injections of price modifications and new pilots for older release ships. But with release of wave 8 Scum and Scum starting show viability as tournament force, It is time to Have a Aces Pack for Scum. With Scum  Aces pack I like  to see some two things...

First is some price adjustments for some the oldest Scum Ships. The other are tools to break the U-Boat meta that is currently dominating the play lists. Scum has a lot of price problems with its earlier release ships. Making them too pricey for most tournament lists. Now with the Contract Scout dominating the play lists. And there isn’t much that can be done to counter its large alpha strike force of Turret / Jousters.  

So one ship I love to see in a Scum Aces Pack is the M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor. I like to see this ship become a more a Jouster type ship. Fragile, cheap and highly maneuverable. At the same time have options that would give target lock heavy list something to sweat about. First we need to address the problems that the Scyk has today.

Scyk suffer from two problems, one is price. The Tie Fighter base Pilot has a cost of 12 point and a hull of 3. The Scyk has a hull or 2 and shield of 1, but has a cost of 14. So for same odds of dodge laser blasts, you risk 2 more points. Sure the shield is nice for stopping a critical, but it is still just as fragile as the Tie Fighter.

2 Points doesn’t seem like a lot, but for Jousters, were you want as many as you can get on the board. Two points is a lot. This point problem is even more evident with the new Tie/fo at 15 points. The Tie/fo has a shield point on top of the 3 hull and more maneuverability is only 1 point more that the Scyk. Making that 2 hull of the Scyk look really pricey.

The point cost becomes even more a problem with the “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor Title Card. For 2 more points you can mount more equipment. But for the same toughness the ship is up to 4 point more than a Tie Fighter, and that is just the start. This makes the Heavy Scyk upgrade very cost ineffective. Adding more upgrades just makes it the ratio even worse.
The second as it is so fragile, it makes it hard to use any of its upgrade options. As the base unit is not very cost effective for it’s points. Add more upgrade cards to the Scyk, increases the risk of losing more points. Making the upgrade options it has over something like the Tie Fighter useless. With a lack of  Elite Polit upgrades that improve survival, this isn’t much that be done to fix the cost problem.

So I have a few Ideas of Upgrades that would make the Scyk more fun and cost effective...

New M3-A Titles

Title - Civilian Speedster (-2)
Your upgrade bar losses Target Lock option and gains Boost option.
When you reveal the 3 speed K-turn, treat it as a white maneuver.

With this upgrade the Syck becomes a cheap swarm unit for scum, as it should. Returning it to joustering work were Scum only had with the Z-95 before. Being faster than the base model you can make a K-Turn and then Barrel Roll or Boost, and still not be stressed. Offering crazy maneuverability on the board. Still fragile, it could be upgrade with Auto thrusters for a bit more toughness. Also who doesn't want a racer!

Title CorSec “Heavy Skyc” (0)
Increase your hull value by 1. Your upgrade bar gains Cannon upgrade icon.

Corellian Security Force is a listed user of the Scyk. I can see that an upgrade the Scyk to meet the needs of a policing force. Tougher than the standard model, but only one upgrade path over the other heavy title. This is the price adjustment allows the Scyk to mount Cannons and still stay cheap. And upgrade investments are a bit safer with a extra point of hull behind them. Basically this is what the “Heavy Scyk” Title should've been.

Title - Car'das Retrofit (2)
Your upgrade bar gains the Tech Icon. You may equip up to two modification different upgrades instead of the standard one. Reduce cost of Modification upgrade cards by 2 to a minimum 0.

Car'das smugglers are also users of the Scyk. Know for their tech skills, it wouldn’t be hard to see them having highly modified and tech upgraded ships. This title allow the Scyk to loaded up to options for survival and maneuverability. Limited in combat options to compared to the Heavy Scyks, these options can make it quite tough. And giving another ship and more important the Scum the ability to use the Tech upgrades.

Starting out at 2 points, but with a refund for taking options, this allows the Scyk to be customized without becoming cost inefficient. For example you can add another hull and shield to the ship for the cost of 5 points versus the cost of 9 if somehow you could pick two options. For 19 points you can have a ship that has 3 hull and 2 shields, something that is just right for the cost.

Other upgrades I like to see Scum to have ...

Torpedo - Bomb Racks (0)
Scum only. Limited
Your upgrade bar gains the Bomb Icon. Reduce the cost of a Bomb upgrade card by 2 to a minimum cost of 0.

It's time for scum to have more bomb options. Rebel and Imperials have bombers with allows them to combine Extra Ordinance with two bomb upgrades, and scum has the Y-Wing and the Firespray with one bomb upgrade. In the end Scum doesn’t get cheap bombs. So now this upgrade that can be use on any scum small ship (including the Y-Wing), and grants a cost reduction.

Usable on Syck, It would allow for really aggressive bombs drops using the Syck for its speed to move them across the table quickly.

Other upgrades I like to see that would help the Syck and mess it the current meta games...

Elite Pilot Upgrade - Unpredictable (2)
Small only
When you reveal a Green Maneuver Roll an attack dice on a eye you may take an action before you make your maneuver.

Allows for a bit of Luck and tactically options when moving small ships. This would add a fun mechanic to small ships with barrel rolls and boost, allowing them to take them first before a move.

Modification Upgrade - Target Lock Jammer (2)
Small only
Your Attacker cannot spend a target lock on you. At the start of the combat phase if  you are more than range of 2 from the Ship maintain the Target Lock on you, you may cancel that Target Lock.

Now small ships can chase down Target Lock heavy ships, without fear. This would help mess with the current meta, and might bring mix forces back to the table.

Tech Upgrade - Collision Detection (2)
If you make a maneuver that would end in a collision of another ship, you may take your action before making the maneuver.

This if for ships you want to get in close. It allows high polit skills ships to still get their actions when someone cuts them off and is waiting for them to crash into them.

Overall these cards allow small ships be a bit more nimble compared to the larger bases. With Target Lock Jammer, you have a ships that can chase ordinance heavy ships.. Hopefully these changes would bring back the need for a mix force of small and large based ships working together. Fantasy Flight Games you're my only hope.
