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Showing posts from 2011

20 Damage or More...

I purchased some new Battletech books lately. Mostly to see how outdated I am in the rules. Its hard for me to play in the newer timeline as their are just some many weapons and options now. I remember the first time I had to face off Clan Tech, that was scary battle. This new Dark Age and Jihad Age tech is worrisome. My tactics basically follow two simple rules. I plan my Mechs and weapon load outs around these rules. With all these new weapons I’m not sure what to use. When I plan an attack with a Mech I have two rules, 1) Make sure a maximum of one unit can return fire 2) Make sure you can deal at least 20 damage in the attack. The first rule basically a rule to keep my incoming damage down. If I can’t meet those rules I don’t maneuver to take a shot. I do even thing I can to make sure it as difficult to shoot at my Mech as possible. Now its not perfect, and you can’t control a battlefield all the time. If two Mechs lay into your Mech then your going start losin

Cut of the Stone of Jordan

If you haven’t seen it, Blizzard made an announcement about Diablo 3 , in that they are adding an auction house. Diablo Fans has a great write up on it here . When it comes to Blizzard, I tend not to want to post right away. When they make a mistake, in time they seem to rectify it. So I learned not be rash and hasty. I should be patient and watch how the auction house will unfold. But in this case it couldn’t wait. To me the auction house that Blizzard is looking to set up is the start of the next trend in gaming. Moving us one step closer to Full Timer Gamer as a profession. I have a fear that one day people will be playing games 80 to 100 hours a week not for fun, but to pay real life rent. And the sad thing is that game companies won’t build games for fun. Instead they will tune the game for a bigger cut of the labor that full time gamers can potentially make. Let’s look at the Diablo 3 Auction house ... 1) You can sell items for real money. Not points, not tokens, di

Yes Computer, I am Happy to Fly!

I saw this new  Security Check Point  on  Engaget . Before I even read the article one game came right to mind  Paranoia RPG . If you haven’t played Paranoia... play it! Its the only game were I found backstabbing and being paranoid, enjoyable. Its a fun game, with a lot to teach you about establishments. One of the main concepts in the Paranoia game is your Security clearances Color. Your Character’s Color is a world of hurt and source of power as a Player. The world of hurt is that their is always a Color that can boss you around. Here from Wikipedia about  Paranoia Security Clearances ... “The full order of clearances from lowest to highest is Infrared (visually represented by Black), Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and Ultraviolet (visually represented by White). Within the game, infrared-clearance citizens live dull lives of mindless drudgery and are heavily medicated, and those with Ultraviolet clearance are almost completely unrestricted … Higher lev